15 articles Exercises Page 2 / 2

Kotov's Method for Chess Improvement

The Road to Chess Improvement Ruke Vin Hansen in his amazing article Mind Games: Who is Doing the Playing? comes to the conclusion that the best way to improve chess skill is not through reading chess books or watching DVDs. He argues that reading more books only helps fill your short term memory whereas quality…

The Step Method in Chess

The Step Method in Chess is a chess improvement system that takes a player from beginner to a expert level. About the Steps Method in Chess The step-by-step method (or the Steps Method in Chess) has been developed by Rob Brunia and Cor van Wijgerden to teach children a Step-by-Step Chess Method to learn how to…

Chess Board Visualization Exercise 2

After repeating exercise 1 for the first 2-3 sessions you can then move on to exercise 2. Board Visualization Exercise #2 Same concept as in exercise #1 but this time you do not look at the board. – note where the four knights normally develop – note where the four bishops normally develop – note…

Chess Board Visualization Exercises

Chess board visualization training is necessary in order to not miss tactics, see more combinations and to become a better overall chess player. Chess board visualization does not come naturally to all chess players. Chess visualization is something that must be trained, and should be part of a regular chess training regimen. Chess board visualization…