When do you know to look for a tactical combination? According to Dan Heisman in his Novice Nook Article The Seeds of Tactical Destruction
a tactical opportunity might exist when any of the following conditions exist:
- Loose (unguarded) pieces – “Loose Pieces Drop Off” = LPDO
- Pieces that can easily be attacked by enemy pieces of less value One or more pieces than can be attacked via a “discovered attack”
- Weak back rank
- Pinned or “skewerable” pieces along the same rank, file, or diagonal
- Pieces (or squares) vulnerable to Knight forks
- Overworked pieces (pieces guarding more than one piece or square)
- Inadequately guarded pieces
- Falling way behind in development (overwhelming opponentforces)
- Pawns nearing promotion
- King uncastled or lost pawn protection with Queens on the board
- Open enemy lines for Rooks, Queens, and Bishops to your King Pieces that have little mobility and might easily be trapped if attacked
- A large domination of one side’s forces in one area of the board
Remember that all tactics are based on undefended pieces, a weakened King, and / or a double attack. – Kotov