9 articles Strategy

Chess Strategy

chess strategy thought process

What is Chess Strategy? It is the creation of long term plans that will dictate your next several moves. In order to achieve these plans, you can argue that the chess player will resort to either positional, tactical or endgame devices. Aspect of chess playing concerned with evaluation of chess positions and setting of goals…

Ruben Fine’s Thirty Rules of Chess

TEN OPENING RULES 1. Open with a center pawn. 2. Develop with threats. 3. Knights before Bishops. 4. Don’t move the same piece twice. 5. Make as few pawn moves as possible in the opening. 6. Don’t bring your Queen out too early. 7. Castle as soon as possible, preferably on the Kingside. 8. Always…

Chess Imbalances – The Silman Thinking Technique

In How to Reassess your Chess Jeffery Silman describes how to create a plan in the middle game based on his set of chess imbalances. The list of imbalances includes: Chess Imbalances 1) Superior minor piece 2) pawn structure 3) space 4) material 5) control of key file or square 6) lead in development 7)…