Faulty Thought Process: Thinking Defensively

Improving your Thought Process This is the first in a series of posts about faulty thought process tendencies by beginners. Unfortunately, I am the source of inspiration, but hopefully by writing about these errors my thought process will improve. The most important thing that a beginning to intermediate player can do to improve their chess…

De La Maza for the Rest of Us

Tactics Program This tactics training program should not take more than 30 minutes per session, and it is flexible enough where you can adjust the amount of puzzles and / or the amount of time spent per puzzle as well as the session time so that you can customize it to your needs and study…

1st Annual Miami Chess Open

Photo report of the Miami Chess Open held from September 28th through September 30th. Photography: William Mendez © 2007 Hikaru Nakamura wins the 2007 Miami Chess Open Photography: William Mendez © 2007 U.S Champion Alexander Shabalov Photography: William Mendez © 2007 IM David Pruess contemplates the position

Chess Engine Playing Styles

Fritz: Tactical, but positionally sound. Well rounded. Hiarcs: Positional and human-like play. Good in unbalanced positions. Junior: Very tactical, sacrificial style play. Rybka: Strongest chess engine. Excellent positional understanding and human-like play. Excellent evaluation of dynamic positions. Great for analysis. Shredder: Very positional and solid. Excellent endgame play. Zappa: Human-like play, aggressive. Very strong, catching…

King and Pawn Endgame with Pawns on Both Wings

The following endgame example illustrates how to turn a one pawn advantage into a win: The conversion of an extra pawn falls into three phases: 1) the King is activated. 1.Kf1 1…Ke7 2.Ke2 Kd6 3.Kd3 Kd5 2)Mobilization of the majority. 4.b4 Mobilize by moving the “candidate”, which is the unopposed pawn.4…Kc6 5.Kc4 h5 6.a4 h4…