Annotated Game
Check out our game annotation of Morphy versus Lowenthal London 1859 from our new annotated chess games section.
Check out our game annotation of Morphy versus Lowenthal London 1859 from our new annotated chess games section.
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The following serve as signposts for possible tactical combinations: 1) Weakened or undefended King. 2) Undefended pieces. 3) Trapped king. 4) Pieces along the same rank, file or diagonal. 5) Open ranks, files or diagonals. 6) Weak back rank Read The Seeds of Tactical Destruction by Dan Heisman for a great article on finding and…
A great collection of games from books in PGN format.
A smothered mate occurs when a Knight gives checkmate because the opponent’s pieces block their own King’s escape. This is the starting position for the Smothered Mate. White is in double check from the White Queen and the White Knight. The Queen sacrifices herself to force the Rook to g8 removing any possible escape routes…
A corner based mate delivered by the Rook and the Knight working in tandem, the Arabian Mate is one of the earliest on record.
Anastasia’s Mate consists of a Knight Rook mating pattern where the King is forced to the h7 square usually as a result of a Queen sacrifice. This is the first in a series of common checkmate patterns.
The following list of books has been compiled from a number of web resources. 1200-1400 1) Chess Tactics for Students by John Bain 2) Logical Chess Move by Move by Irving Chernev 3) Polgar’s 5334 Chess Problems by Polgar 4) Winning Chess Tactics by Seirawan 5) Pandolfini’s Endgame Course by Bruce Pandolfini 6) Chess Fundamentals…
In How to Reassess your Chess Jeffery Silman describes how to create a plan in the middle game based on his set of chess imbalances. The list of imbalances includes: Chess Imbalances 1) Superior minor piece 2) pawn structure 3) space 4) material 5) control of key file or square 6) lead in development 7)…