20 articles Notebook

12 Chess Endgame Principles

Chess Endgame

1. In the endgame the King is a fighting piece and it should be centralized and used actively. 2. Material advantage wins in the endgame. Hold on to your material! 3. Be wary of sacrificing pawns for development. Only in rook and pawn endgames is an active piece worth material. 4. Try to gain tempi…

Training Insights

Update: 8/7/2010: I have been following my own advice for the past two weeks, and I have to say that my training is more focused than ever, and I am beginning to see tangible improvements over the board. If you are interested, I am continuing to post my weekly training schedule at my Chess Notebook…

Chess Training Notebook 12.21.09

This is the first week where I trained using the Extreme Chess Training (ECT) program. I am still beta testing it and I should have more information available the first week of January. Monday – Performed 45 minutes of standard tactics at chesstempo.com Tuesday – Played an ICC standard game and reviewed it afterwards. Wednesday…

Training Notebook Week of 12.07.09

Monday 12.07.09 Played G/15 game and drew against opponent rated 1826 in a winning position (I was up a minor piece), but opponent had counterplay and I was down to 4 1/2 minutes on the clock. Tuesday 12.08.09 Reviewed game. Confirmed that position was won. Opponent made a tactical mistake where he lost the exchange.…