Annotated Game: Chessbuzz vs Lordofthedance
Round 1 game of the September Standard Tourney on ICC.
Round 1 game of the September Standard Tourney on ICC.
In a previous post I had promised to compile and post the most instructive games in ChessBase format. I haven’t been able to get around to compiling all of the games, so I am posting a PDF file containing a list of these Educational Chess Games based broken down by themes.
08.15.2007 Play Standard Game Played and analyzed my G/60 ICC ST Tourney game 08.16.2007 Study Strategy Reviewed through page 24 of Chess Strategy for Kids don’t mind the title…the book is highly recommended by Dan Heisman, and it ensures that you have all your chess fundamentals in place. Key Points Everything in chess can be…
Today is the first entry of my online training notebook, I’m still trying to figure out how I will work this out, but I plan on adding an entry with the salient topics that I covered as well as personal progress and benchmark data. I also plan on adding a downloadable ChessBase file which will contain additional positions,…
Monday Study Endings (30 min) Solve Tactics (30 min) Tuesday Play (ST Tourney on ICC G/60) (up to 2 hrs) Wednesday Analyze my game (1 hr) Study Openings (part of game analysis) Thursday Study Strategy (30 min) Solve Endings (30 min) Friday Solve Strategy (annotated master game review with Stoyko exercise at critical points) (1hr)…
As part of my benchmarking before I begin my new training on Monday August 13th, my ICC rating is as follows:
In an earlier post about creating a chess notebook, I overlooked the obvious: using this blog as my online chess improvement notebook. I can post my daily training regimen, as well as benchmark my progress as I go along. Hopefully, this will help others get ideas as well as help me in maintaining a log…
The best thing I can do for my chess is to improve my thinking process, which is one of my greatest weaknesses. Below are some of the reasons why it my thinking process just plain stinks. Not considering the consequences of a move at least 3 ply deep on every play. Focusing too much on…
USCF Online Ratings Calculator
Round 2 game of the July Monthly Standard Tournaments on ICC.